Before Sending Heart Emoji Know How The Shape Of Heart Is Made

Before Sending Heart Emoji Know How The Shape Of Heart Is Made

Whether to react on Facebook or express love on WhatsApp… Heart emoji is the best option for everyone. But now the question arises that when the size of the real heart is completely different from this heart, then where did this heart come from. What is the history of this heart shape and who made this heart shape for the first time. Even bigger question is that why the shape of the heart was made like this, if the shape of the heart is not made like the real heart, then it can be given any shape, but what was the reason that the heart was made of this shape ? Today in this article, we will give you the answers related to these questions.

How to make heart design?

The heart which we use to express love is completely different from the real heart of a human being. Actually, the heart which we have been using for centuries as a symbol of love, actually came from the seed of a plant. This plant belonged to Silphium. Mentioning this in his book Historia IV.169, Herodotus, a Greek historian and geographer, wrote that the seeds of this plant were used as a contraceptive. Now coming to the basic question that how the shape of the heart was formed. Actually, the shape of the seeds of this plant is similar to the shape of the heart which you and I use to show love to someone.

How did this design become so popular

It is claimed in many stories that centuries ago, when sexual relations were established between a boy and a girl before marriage… then the boys used to send these seeds to the girl to save her from unwanted pregnancy. Gradually, this seed itself started being considered as a sign of love and people started considering the shape of this Silphium seed as the shape of the heart and making it everywhere. However, this story is based on the news published on social media and some web portals…we do not confirm its veracity.

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